In my life time, there have been as many men in my life as I can count on one hand who are righteous individuals. Michael Borusieiwicz is one of the most human guys I have ever met. As a human rights activist, I truly respect that guy when comparing him to other fathers, politicians, church leaders, and any other leaders who have stood by doing nothing while allowing these rotten CPS and social workers take over our children. YOU ROTTEN SCUM BAG MEN WHO HAVE REFUSED TO TAKE ACTION AND HAVE STOOD BY AS WE HAVE BEEN AGGRIEVED. YOU ARE WORSE THAN ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH!

CA Taxpayers are the laughing stock of the CA Judiciary: Whistleblower Judge Salcido’s interviews on Fox11 Click Here
To hear and read about the epidemic of children "legally" abducted from their homes, Click Here.
What does being gay have to do with the BSA goal: to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. Learning values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking, compassion, cooperation, courage, faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect and responsibility. To learn more about the priorities of scum bag men:

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