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I'm A Big Dufus And I Don't Know What To DoNine More To Come

Land o' the Nephilim

Prison Prep 101

Saturday, December 29, 2012

One Will Disappear, and Another, and Another. She Must Have Moved Away!

Before Xmas, I had a new visitor to my site at http://judiciary.zoomshare.com/  NORWAY!

As many are now aware, human extermination is part of new world order ritual.  We must educate ourselves. This is going to happen again but not just to Jews. We must stand united especially now.  We must never forget?

Serious business coming up this new year at http://holocausteducation.wetpaint.com/ where I will exam most Holocaust survivors and compare the pattern of continuity we are experiencing in the United States.

It would benefit people to follow along with me as we examine the surreal lives of the Holocaust survivors because our country has a broken judicial system. These teachers will teach us what to recognize in our upheaval of our American justice system, how to become aware of the same pattern of continuity, how to avoid the terrorism of law enforcement, how to reciprocate to human atrocities, and how to avoid having our human rights trampled on (because it is beyond civil right violations).  This was a warning.

I have actually met at least two cowardly survivors in real life who have refused to give their testimonies.  Although I advise listening to others first, this one is very unusual because of the actual miracles she encountered.


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