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Friday, January 10, 2014

Alienation of Christian Churches In America Will Bring On G-d's Wrath

 It is just a matter of time before G-d fucks the "Christians" for wasting our time
The 2011 death of 37-year-old Kelly Thomas could have been avoided in Fullerton, California, if the PEOPLE of the United States of America stopped police brutality when I screamed out in 1995. The PEOPLE of the United States allowed the evil to spread.

 GMO Bulls Now A Reality


Due to genetic selection and experiments, the Belgian Blue is a humongous species of Bull, packed with muscles and meat. What is hidden from the general public, is the fact that these Bulls are Genetically Modified. Their uninhibited muscle growth presents a lot of health hazards, calves can develop enlarged tongues and stiff legs which make it difficult for them to eat and move, leading to an early and painful death. GMOs continue to infiltrate our grocery stores and still don't require any special labelling!

Southern Baptist mom of Lance Bass laments Christian community pushing away gays

'Not only are the Christian community pushing away gays who are Christians, we are alienating those who are lost'

                                               10 January 2014 | By Greg Hernandez

The Southern Baptist mother of Lance Bass is speaking out against the way gays are treated by churches.

'When I hear fellow Sunday School members, co-workers, politicians,and Christian people on TV and radio say negative, judgmental things about gays, I just cringe and it breaks my heart,' Diane Bass said in a speech to a local church that her son shared in a column on Thursday (9 January).

'Not only are the Christian community pushing away gays who are Christians, we are alienating those who are lost.'

She shared the story of a gay man who told her he visited a church on Easter Sunday. Everyone was standing singing a hymn and when he sat down there was a note in his chair. It said, 'You know you are going to hell.'

He never went to church again.

'My heart is telling me that something is wrong with the way the church treats those who are gay,' Diane Bass said.

It was seven years ago that she found out that her is gay and she said she and her husband 'were totally blindsided and devastated.' They did not expect it 'in a million years.'

'Never once did I ever think about turning my back on him,' she said. 'Never once was I ashamed or embarrassed. My feelings were more of sadness and just sheer disappointment in life.'

She no longer prays for a 'miracle' that would turn her son from gay to straight.

'I did get a miracle. It is just not the miracle I prayed for. ... The miracle is that I learned to have unconditional love and compassion for my son and others in the gay community,'

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